Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend.
I recently wore this outfit to see a long lost friend from my Junior High School.
There is something special and cathartic about seeing an old friend after a few decades (yeah, I’m up there!). Thanks to Facebook I was able to meet up with my Junior High School friend that I had not seen in ages. I don’t quite remember how we drifted apart, but what I do remember is that she was the prettiest girl in our group, if not the entire school. We’ve been meaning to meet up a while ago but due to our (mostly me!) schedules we kept pushing it back. So a couple weeks ago, we finally met up at a coffee shop. All I can say is that she looked amazing! She’s still very beautiful in and out, and there was not a trace of lines anywhere on her face!!! We chatted about our (me) infertility struggles, our significant others (she married her Junior High School sweet heart!), our kids, our health, etc. I walked away knowing that I had not lost a friend, and that’s an awesome feeling!!! We promised to see each other more often and to not lose touch again!!!

//dress: Forever 21//belt: Anthropologie (last seen here)//shoes: Steve Madden//clutch: DIY brown leather//bracelets: Forever21, vintage//necklace: vintage//earrings: thanks to Zoetik (last seen here)//
$25 Wallis Gift Giveaway – Ends 7/31!
I also have some exciting news to share with you! Wallis is giving away $25 in gifts to anyone submitting a vote to Mama in Heels’ Make Time for Me contest on Facebook by clicking this link. I’ve been asked to participate in the Make Time for Me contests sponsored by Wallis and Miraval Resorts. Only one mom blogger will win a Wallis wardrobe and a 2 day/3 night mom’s weekend getaway at Miraval Resort in Arizona. Here’s my post from last week that I had submitted for the contest.
Only YOUR votes can help me to get sent packing for a ME TIME getaway in style from today through July 31st. As much as I love to spend every waking minute with my husband and my twin boys I would LOVE to have some me time! Remember, when you vote for me, you will also be entered to win $25 from Wallis as a thank you for voting! Here’s How:
1. Click on this link every hour per day until July 31st.
2. Wait an hour, vote on this link again, and come back to enter the contest again!
Thank you so much for visiting and have a fabulous day!
What a gorgeous dress! I have a hard time finding dresses from F21, they always seem so short on me.
What a great story. I actually had met up with a high school classmate that I had not seen since high school (a long time ago). It was so nice to catch up. It’s amazing that FB has helped me reconnect to so many lost friends.
Thank you, Alice. Yes, that’s one of the best things about FB!!!
That’s such a beautiful dress- so light and airy.
Thank you, Marla.
How gorgeous is tbat dress! You look like Supermom in your header hahaha! Beautiful.
Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly
Thank you, Tiffany.
That outfit is fabulous, you look really great!
Thank you, Ellen.
You look lovely! How great to re-connect with a friend face-to-face. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.
Thank you, Patti.
That is a gorgeous dress! So perfect for summer!
Thank you for stopping by, Janelle.
That dress is just perfect – love it!
Megan from Chasing Davies
Thank you, Megan.
So pretty Janise!
Thank you, Susan.
I reconnected with jr. high friends on facebook as well. The magic of social media, right?! You look flawless as usual. 🙂
Have a great week!
Thank you Jenny.
You look absolutely gorgeous! Love that color on you and your lip color is super pretty too! Junior High?! Wow, so cool that you’re still friends!
Thank you Jessi.
What a gorgeous dress! Love!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Thank you Marie.
This is such a pretty dress, love the color and style! 🙂
xo, Ainslee
Thank you Ainslee.
What a gorgeous dress! It’s so nice that you were able to catch up with an old friend, that’s the best!
Thank you Inge.
You are a beauty!
Thank you for linking up with Style Sessions.
Lauren xx
Thank you Lauren.
What a lovely story. I love meeting up with old friends there is something so fun for me to think about the past. I adore your dress to! I love that is came from forever 21
Thank you Allie.
How nice to be able to reconnect! You look beautiful, of course … isn’t it nice to be able to doll-up to greet old friends, and do it as well as you do? Hope you had a wonderful time.
Thank you, Jan.
Always so chic and pretty!
Thank you Andrea.
Absolutely lovely! This colour is wonderful on you. So feminine and pretty!
Thank you Katie.
How wonderful to meet up with an old friend. You look lovely as always. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo
Thank you Katherines.
Beautiful dress – love the color. It looks so light and flowy. 🙂 You look amazing!
Thank you Callie.
Oh my…the dress is gorgeous, and so are you! I love your style!
I’d love for you to stop by my blog and say hello.
Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
Thank you Cindy.
This dress and that belt are absolutely stunning!! I just spent the weekend cleaning out boxes containing random memories from my childhood and it was so fun to remember all those people you were so close to and the great times you had back in the day! It’s so neat that you were able to reconnect with someone from Junior High! Visiting from the blog hop! 🙂 Have a great day!