Happy President’s Day everyone!

I’m being featured at Ava Grace’s Closet today so stop by and check out what being 40s is all about!


 ||Wearing:  Oasis striped shirt, Paige ultra skinny jeans, French Sole ballet flats, Kate Spade satchel (old but love this), Forever 21 bib necklace, LuLu Frost necklace||

A friend recently asked me if my husband and I were big on Valentine’s Day and it got me thinking.   A while ago, my friend and I had a discussion about marriage in general and he was curious to know what made this marriage work so well for me because I was beaming with happiness and full of contentment when he last saw me.   I told him this marriage feels more like a partnership working as a team rather than bickering day to day, belittling, competing, and fighting with each other.  Our values and goals are aligned so there is no need for fighting and bickering in order to win one’s argument or point.

So, to answer his question, are we big on THE Valentine’s Day?  I don’t need Hallmark to tell me that what I have is special because every day is a Valentine’s Day for us.   But, hubby always has a dozen roses waiting for me at home and takes me to dinner.  This year is no exception.  These photos were taken while waiting to be seated at one of our favorite restaurants.






Thank you so much for visiting and have a fabulous day!


  1. i love this casual outfit — the statement necklace you have on completes the look! 🙂

    and i totally agree — marriage is about partnership! glad you had an awesome valentine’s day (everyday) 🙂

    Rhea, Et Cetera – ProFlowers collab: floral-inspired outfit

  2. You have the most glowing skin and perfect lip color today! Glad you guys have a successful formula for love and Valentine’s. Thanks for sharing your pretty, polished look with Manic Monday! You make 40 look totally fabulous. 🙂 -Gina
    On the Daily Express

  3. I love this simple outfit but the stripes and shine make it festive! Love hearing about successful marriages! Here’s to many more years with you and hubby!

  4. Janise, I came over from Ava Grace’s Closet, what a GREAT interview. I had no idea you were either a later bloomer (would have never guessed) or married to an Italian.

    You don’t look a day over 33!

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you so much for your kind words Angie! I’m glad you enjoyed the interview 🙂

  5. Sounds like you two have a wonderful valentines tradition! I love your bold stripes and fabulous layered statement necklaces!

  6. great post – we feel the same way about Valentine’s Day.
    have a happy Wednesday!

    Alyssa B
    alyssabarnettbeauty.com (having a giveaway if you’re interested, stop by!)

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