Welcome to my new series called Get to Know: [Blog Name].  Each week I introduce a new blogger behind his/her blog.  I have discovered so many wonderful blogs through other blogs.  I hope you too can discover some wonderful blogs through this blog.

If you are a blogger too and would like to participate in this series please go here and submit your info with the subject “Get to Know: [your blog name]”.  Right now, the first available slot is in late October 2016.  Without further adieu, I’d like to introduce our first guest, LaShon Renee from FOR THE LOVE OF CURLS.

for the love of curls

La Shon Renee
La Shon Renee

Blog Name: For the Love of Curls

Your Name: LaShon Renee

Years of blogging: 4 years

What is your blog about?  

My blog is a lifestyle blog about natural, curly hair, beauty, and fashion. I want to connect with and support women that share my common interests.

How often do you blog?

I’m working up to blog twice a week but definitely at least once a week.

Best compliment you have received?

Someone picked me as one of their favorite bloggers. I’m still learning and I have a long way to go but that was definitely a huge compliment.

If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be and why?

I would be 27 because it’s old enough to have acquired some wisdom and confidence but young enough to still make mistakes.

If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be?

That’s a good question because I’m not a big celebrity follower but I guess Oprah would be a good choice. I admire her ambition and how she has dealt with failure.

If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?

Ahh, if only… I would move to a tropical island somewhere. I absolutely love island life.

Your dream vacation? Worst vacation? Best vacation?

My dream vacation would be to go back to Barbados. The first time I went I was on a cruise so I didn’t get to spend much time there. My worst vacation was in Las Vegas not too long after I got married. Everything that could go wrong did. And my best vacation was the cruise I took to the Southern Caribbean where I first fell in love with island life.

You can follow LaShon at:

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.


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