Welcome to the Get to Know series where each week I introduce a new blogger behind him/her blog with Q&A’s – with personal revealing results. Check back on Wednesdays for your weekly peek behind the blog left slightly ajar.

Amanda Unfolded-Header

This week, Amanda from Amanda Unfolded, a former hairstylist turned SAHM, trying to be a WAHM, and loving life .

about amanda

Blog Name: Amanda Unfolded
Your Name: Amanda
Years of blogging: Off and on for almost 4 years, but seriously & at my own domain for 1 year

What is your blog about?
I unfold my life secrets on family, life, organizing, time & money management, tips for moms & so much more. The purpose of my blogging is to encourage other moms & wives, to help them overcome what I’ve already walked through.

How often do you blog? 
I would love to say I post everyday, but I’m not to that point yet. I post 4 – 5 times per week and work on my designs as well as for other bloggers as a Virtual Assistant.

Best compliment you have received?
That my son is so well mannered.

If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be and why?
25- That’s how old I was when my son was born. It would be nice to just hold him and not worry about things like laundry and cleaning because people might come over. I’ve learned there are more important things and time goes too fast.

If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be?
Joyce Meyers

If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
Buy an RV and travel around the US, stopping wherever and when ever we wanted, staying as long as we wished.

When you’re not blogging what are your hobbies?
When I’m not writing and working I like to play outside with my son & go on small trips with my family. I enjoy crafts, hunting, reading and all things organizing & cleaning.

Follow Amanda at Facebook, Twitter,  Instagram, Pinterest, or Bloglovin

Want to be featured on our Get to Know series? Email janise@mamainheels.com for more info.


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