Welcome to the Get to Know series where each week I introduce a new blogger behind him/her blog with Q&A’s – with personal revealing results. Check back on Wednesdays for your weekly peek behind the blog left slightly ajar. This week I’m featuring Britni Ponce from Happy Mama Tales, a blog that focuses on finding happiness by making healthy choices.
Blog Name: Happy Mama Tales
Your Name: Britni
Years of blogging: 10 months.
What is your blog about?
Happy Mama Tales is all about mothers finding happiness by making healthy choices. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist and a professional health coach who believes in teaching healthy behaviors to live a happier life. She has studied health and human behavior extensively. Happy Mama Tales is a community of happy moms who are looking to learn the habits of health!
How often do you blog?
3 to 4 times a week.
Best compliment you have received?
Compliments of my dimples People tend to love that I have 2 dimples. In fact, if you call me by my nickname Dimples, that makes me really happy!
If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be and why?
2.Maybe in my mid 30s, that way my kids will be in the fun stage of school and sports and old enough that it’s okay if Dad and I hang out!!
If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be?
3.Sandra Bullock. She is the coolest!
If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
4.Play with my hubby!! And go to Disneyland!
Your dream vacation? Worst vacation? Best vacation?
5.Dream Vaca would be going to Paris! Worst Vaca would be camping. Best most realistic vaca would be Disneyland!! It really is the happiest place on earth
If you want to follow Britni you can find her at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.
Want to be featured on our Get to Know series? Email janise@mamainheels.com with Subject: Get to Know, for more info.