smileIn this day an age where it’s easy to focus on the bad news, there’s so much goodness too – heroic people and beauty in the world.  It’s all around us if we look from the moment we wake up until we turn out the light. Every single day, I am grateful to be able to live and breathe.  Everything that had happened in my life – the good, the bad, the mistakes, the losses, and the triumphs – has made me who I am today and I’m glad for all of it.  

Today, I would like to share with you the things that made me smile in September that reminded me how fortunate my life is and to just savor the now.

  1. One of my 7 yr old twins surprised me with a bowl of canned beans.  Apparently, he knew how to open a can of beans on his own, ate half of it, poured the other half into a Tupperware and placed it in the fridge.  He’s been doing this on his own for a couple weeks now while I was at work.  He is on his way to adulthood.
  2. Feeling a sense of preparedness for the upcoming fall season by cleaning out my closet and donating most of them.
  3. Finished reading The Secret Garden to my kids and then watched the movie on Netflix with them.
  4. Good times with good friends for a birthday celebration.  We do this for each other’s birthday every year.  I love spending our time together to catch up and just laugh at silly things.
  5. Met up with some incredible blogger friends through Instagram.
  6. Enjoying catch-up conversations with some friends I haven’t for a while.
  7. Discovered Apple Cider Vinegar as the best home remedy for treating rashes and hives, which saved me a trip to the doctor’s office. 
  8. Booked a family trip ( yes, our entire clan of 12 people including Fido) for the winter getaway in Arizona.  Can’t wait to share.
  9. Finally saw Game of Thrones season 1.  I’m hooked!  Why did I wait so long???
  10. Got invited to attend Dinner en Blanc this weekend – once a year invitation-only party with an all-white dress code in a secret location.  Follow me here to see how and where all this will unfold.  And stay tuned to see how you can be invited to join the next celebration.
  11. The elderly couple holding hands walking out from the grocery store to their car.
  12. Sky Zone…best sleeping remedy for kids.  Nuff said.
  13. Seeing pomegranates in our yard growing on my neighbor’s tree.
  14. My kids love Queen and The Rolling Stones…who knew?!
  15. Took one last dip in the pool without the fear of drowning.  Swimming lessons paid off 🙂
  16. Attended a wrap party for hubby’s TV show at a restaurant that both the hubs and I mistakenly went to the month before and almost sat with strangers for dinner.
  17. Fall, my favorite season,  is finally here.
  18. Sleeping in a lot longer as the temperatures drop to comfortable lows and my kids are older.
  19. Getting a bag of avocados from my parents’ neighbor.
  20. Seeing my baby nephew taking his first steps and learning how to walk.

These 20 things had definitely made me smile sincerely and with deep gratitude reflecting on all the goodness that surrounds us.  It’s the little things that remind me that life isn’t so bad after all. In fact, it’s quite good.


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  1. Dear Janise, what a wonderful blogpost. So great how you see the beauty in small things. Life is not about the big things….it’s about many small things. You have certainly grasped this wisdom. Enjoy the fall season. Love, Lieske

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you, Lieske. It is these small things that keep me smiling every day 🙂

  2. I loved reading this post! Such a great way of reminding ourselves that it’s the little things that can bring so much happiness, and that we should not take them for granted but pause and enjoy them. Thank you for sharing!

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