business casualFriday is my favorite day of the work week because it’s a kickoff to the weekend – a day when I get to go off work and rest for 2 days.  But most of all, it is a day when we are allowed to dress down in business casual attire one day each week.  Sometimes I work from home but more often than not you can always find me in business casual uniform on the business casual day working away.  

Keeping a work wardrobe can be costly so I usually mix my workwear wardrobe with casual pieces for Friday’s business casual day.  One of my business casual staples is my jeans. I have a lot (too embarrassed to share the number with you 🙂 ) and each style functions according to the venue.

I work in a conservative professional environment so 99% of the time I do not show up in ripped denim on any day of the week.  I reserve them for off duty venues.  However, I have a few non-ripped denim that I rotate for work on a consistent basis.  I also take them with me on business trips.  There are a lot of brands offering really well-made jeans that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.  

Here I have rounded up some jeans that are office perfection and won’t break your bank – all under $50!

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  1. Love these selections! Thank you for doing all of the hard work. 💕

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