unexpected guestsOne of the worst situations is getting ready for a trip, reaching for that next to last item, and then finding out that you have an army of unexpected guests. It can be ants or roaches, but nonetheless, you need to deal with the problem before you head out. With the limited time you have available, you need to solve the problem and do so in a reasonably permanent manner. You only have a day to get ready, but you figure that you can pretty much get the ball rolling. All you need to do is decide on a plan of action.

First Steps

The first step should be to find a decent pest control service, and one of the best you can find is online at MoxieServices.com/Orange-County. A good pest control company is able to handle last-minute emergencies. They should also have a number of different ways of dealing with any given pest and be able to give you the best possible options. Of course, you do have an advantage in that you know that you are going to be away for a couple of days, so that opens up the options, including the possibility of full fumigation. As long as you have a friend who is willing to check off on the assignment, you should be fine. You may have to promise them a souvenir or two, but it will be worth it to get rid of your unwanted guests.

Obviously, you will check out the company ensuring that it has a solid reputation, but that is to be expected. Your house is very important to you and so you should do due diligence, if for no other reason than your own confidence. Comparison shopping is always encouraged, but you need to balance a good company versus its price. A good company does not need to be expensive. A little research may be due as well, if for no other reason than to see if there are some good deals and coupons available. But you should hurry, considering your boat is about to leave.

Get Prepared

Once the company has confirmed your appointment, it is time to finish packing for the cruise. Once you have finished packing, it is time to call a friend to see if anyone can help you by being there when the exterminators are doing their job and to sign off that it was done. If there are any pets, then it may not be a bad idea to make sure that they are taken care of, especially if they are of the sort that there is no kennel for, such as birds and fish. You also need to make a decision when it comes to cleaning up when the exterminators have finished. While you can wait to clean when you return, you can always ask your friend to do so or hire a maid service. Suffice to say that it will be an interesting conversation with your friend, at the very least.

Once you are packed and all of the arrangements have been made, it is time to start preparing for the pest control service. While you should be as thorough as possible, this is not necessarily as bad as it may sound. It just means that you will need to make sure that your food is protected, that everything that can be covered is covered and that everything has been put away. While you should trust people, a little paranoia is a good thing. You should take any appropriate precautions when it comes to protecting your property. In short, you need to be thorough when preparing for the exterminator.

In short, you need to decide how you wish to deal with the problem and then charge forward with that decision. At the very least, you need to decide on a company, how the company will help you deal with the pest problem, and then take all the steps necessary to prepare for the implementation of the solution. It may seem like a lot to deal with just a day before you are taking a cruise, but it is not all that hard to deal with. All you need to do is find a company that works for you and then just do it. You may have to rush a little, but you will have plenty of time to relax as you sail towards your destination.

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