There’s a laundry list of dos and don’ts to avoid getting infected with Coronavirus but we should also get ready for the possibility that your or any family members can get infected with COVID-19. Our entire state is currently in lockdown and would only allow us to leave our homes for essential items.
This got me and my husband thinking.
What if one or our entire family contracted COVID_19? Let’s be realistic here, the last thing we want to do is have to go to the store if we get sick. What we know is that the majority of cases of Covid-19 don’t require hospitalization and will require you to self-isolate. Here are some things to consider in the event that you or any family members have contracted COVID-19 with mild symptoms and stuck in your home.

Identify a location within your home that the infected individual can isolate in. You may want to consider serving food in paper plates, plastic spoons, knives, and forks. And make sure you have a trash bag to throw them away after. So make sure you have those home supplies readily available. We already identified an area in our home and will be picking up some supplies to support this possibility.
This is a no brainer. As in this situation, “social distancing” is really physical distancing, not emotional distancing. Please do continue to contact your friends and family, and others through phones, internet or any other electronic means. It’s so important now more than ever we need to know we are cared for and loved!
I don’t think you need to hoard a one year supply of toilet paper but you may want to have enough for the duration of the isolation. This site can help calculate how many rolls of toilet paper you should need. Make sure you have enough non-perishable food like beans, pasta, rice, dehydrated goods for up to 2 weeks. You may plan to identify a list of takeout places that you can order in the event that you can’t cook.
Don’t forget your pet if you have pets! If you haven’t already make sure you have enough food for him/her because I don’t know if there’s takeout for Fido?!
Check your medicine cabinet to see if you need to stock up on over the counter cold/fever medication for adults and kids. If you are somebody who takes medication on a daily basis, you may want to plan to have more than a week’s supply. You can also call your doctor to see if they refill medication electronically with a delivery service.
Speaking of medication, if you have health insurance don’t forget to check with your provider to see what type of medical care it covers for treatments like Coronavirus. You don’t want to end up with a $35,000 bill like this person after the coronavirus treatment.
There are so many heart-wrenching stories that are being shared right now from families who have lost their loved ones to COVID-19. This prompted us to have a conversation about the possibility o being admitted to the ICU for end-of-life care to make informed and rational decisions. You may also want to have a dialog with your loved ones.
Having a contingency plan in place during times like this will give you peace of mind and to also help not to spread the disease that can hurt your loved ones, your neighbors, and people in your community. We are in this together and will get through this. Remember, the Phoenix always rises from the ashes.