This post is sponsored by Zotos Professional. All opinions are my own.

It’s no secret that our economy is negatively impacted by the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus here in the United States. The current unemployment is staggering high with many businesses closing down, which had a domino effect in people losing their jobs. We have been staying home for over a month now but have been doing our best to support our economy as much as we can. Here are some of the ways we have been practicing to help keep the businesses afloat during quarantine – and you can too!

I shop online for everyday essentials from cleaning products (my cleaning lady no longer comes to clean our home) and laundry detergent to beauty and hair care products. My hair grows extremely fast so my grey root needs to be colored very frequently. Since the quarantine, I have colored my roots twice. I highly recommend Zotos Professional AGEbeautiful Permanent Hair Color because it completely covers stubborn grays. My shade is Darkest Brown 3N and they have a wide selection of different colors to match your hair. And if you want to temporarily cover your grays you need to try the Zotos Professional AGEbeautiful Root Touch-Up Temporary Hair Color because it is very easy to apply and the color stays put until you shampoo it out.

I’m so happy to see that our neighborhood grocery stores are open. It’s so important to be able to buy fresh produce, leafy vegetables and fruits to boost our immune system while practicing safe physical distancing.

We frequently dine out at restaurants every Friday night. It’s a way to celebrate our week’s hard work. Now that we are in lockdown we no longer have that luxury. But that has not deterred us from eating out. We have been doing takeouts/deliveries every Friday night. Many restaurant workers are out of work and have no paid time off. If you’re able, consider leaving a super generous tip the next time you order food for delivery.

We just celebrated our twins’ birthday and our family and friends gave them gift cards as their birthday present. We also purchased a few for birthday gifting as well for our friends and family. I highly recommend getting gift cards from your local restaurants/spa/beauty salons since these service places are hurting the most. This can help them maintain some cash flow and keep their businesses afloat.

Buying subscription services is also a great way to support the economy. There are many subscription services from coffee clubs to e-learning platforms, which can help you learn a different language or improve your skillset. You can even buy the subscription and gift it to a friend who is out of work.

If you have an event or a spa appointment that was booked before the quarantine, I highly recommend rescheduling them. I have a micro-dermabrasion/needling session that was booked for late March which now has been pushed to mid-May. These beauticians who rely on these services are really struggling right now.

Our support for businesses means more now than ever, so I do my best to give my favorite a shout-out on social media. If they have a page on Google, Yelp, or other platforms consider giving them a great review and leave a comment. Once the madness subsides, your raving review will help them get back to booming.

We’re all in this together. I hope you all can help support the economy while practicing responsible social distancing and self-isolation. As you are supporting these businesses that are the backbone of our communities and economy, these individuals also have a family to support.