When we found out we were pregnant we promised ourselves that we would take a lot of pictures and videos of our twins to capture all the memories digitally, and will make a “Baby Book” for the family. Well, we took a lot of pictures and a lot of videos when they were born and captured most of their milestones. Yup, we have them and they are in a 3 little memory sticks sitting in my desk drawer. My siblings also took some photos and videos. So did my parents, G’s family and our friends. Our twin’s pictures and videos live in many places on and off line!

The truth is we never had time to sit down and go through ALL those pictures and videos to put a decent baby book together. The task can be overwhelming and we really really wanted to do it. As a matter of fact, we tried a couple years ago. I even downloaded a video editing app attempting to learn how to use the program. To this day, I don’t know if it was because of the application that I had downloaded or it was something else that infected my laptop after installing this application. It wiped out EVERYTHING on the hard drive!!! I didn’t attempt to download another app again. So, whenever G & I want to look back on those years we would execute one video at a time…very enjoyable but very very manual. There has to be a better way!!!

Well, there actually is! You may not have heard of it because it hasn’t launched yet! They are called BlinkBuggy. They are a mobile app and website that help parents create a digital baby book. This app is private (and FREE!) and lets you capture, organize & share your family memories in a simple way. Blinkbuggy was co-founded by Emma Weisberg, longtime Google employee turned entrepreneur. It all started with a gmail account in her baby’s name where she would send quick thoughts and milestones. She then realized she wanted something more where it would allow her to really capture ALL of the different memories that were happening on a daily basis. Something that actually told the full ‘story’ of her life and those in it. When she couldn’t find anything that would do that Blinkbuggy was born!


Blinkbuggy connects to any places where your pictures and videos are stored and allows you to quickly grab the ones you want so you have the best all in one place. Blinkbuggy is designed to go beyond the photo where you can document a milestone, write free-form entries, record funny quotes, etc. This application is designed to make it easy and fun to not only collect but also connect the countless moments that make up our lives and create meaningful stories, all in one place. Not only until late 90s that our lives were recorded digitally so that our next generations can look and search in fragmented places to learn who we were. Before then we relied on VHS recordings. I still have VHS tapes sitting somewhere in my parents’ attic deteriorating as I type this. With Blinkbuggy, it will capture the next generation from birth and beyond in one single place so it can be passed on to the next generation.  Here is how it will work.  Sign up on their waitlist, once it is live then register for the app.  They send you a nice reminder once a week to take and upload a video.  They grab the first 3 seconds of each video and string those together week over week to automatically create a time lapse video for you.

I’m really really excited about this app and I have already signed up on their waitlist for the launch so that I can start capturing my twins memories for them and many generations to enjoy!  If you want Blinkbuggy to help you create a full digital book for your kids then sign up on their waitlist HERE. It is totally free! Blinkbuggy will begin letting people off of the waitlist on May 15th so hurry!!!

This post was sponsored by Blinkbuggy, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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