two thousand nineteenHello to two thousand nineteen and a brand new year to get whatever it is right…may that be to improve, grow, and apply any lessons you have learned.  

Two thousand eighteen was our busiest, most exhausting yet most rewarding and best year so far.  We met so many new friends and rekindled many old friendships. We had a lot of fun, traveled to many places and a lot of progress and memories made.  We also celebrated many milestones from me learning how to swim to the hubs getting more film and tv credits.

With the beginning of a new year, the idea of developing a better and more meaningful content has been at the forefront of my mind.  So blogwise, I will share an abundance of inspirations as I have included in the year’s posts, if not more.

There will be four new series.  For fashion, in addition to the regular outfit posts, a new series called What To Wear With focusing on how I mix classics with the on-trend pieces as well as what color pair up to update a look.  The second series called Investment of the Month focuses on any types of investments that we can benefit from financial to beauty. The third new series, Packing For A Mini Getaway, shares what to pack for a mini getaway and how to mix and match the outfits that can be packed into a carry-on.  The fourth new series, A Month of Tiny Delights,  invites you to pause and revel in life’s little blissful moments that can turn a whole day/month around since it can be hard to slow down at a time in life where everything moves so quickly.

The beauty finds and reviews will continue since I love trying new beauty products.  Our family will travel even more than before and will continue to share our adventures with you.  The Living in Los Angeles series will be discontinued because you can only share so much of where you live.

Although it is one year older, it is a new year full of new perspectives, new inspirations, new hopes, new goals, new achievements, new strengths, great health, great wealth, and your fears fade away!

As always, thank you for your continued support and encouragement.


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