


Welcome to the Get to Know series where each week I introduce a new blogger behind him/her blog with Q&A’s – with personal revealing results. Check back on Wednesdays for your weekly peek behind the blog left slightly ajar. This week, Amanda from Amanda Unfolded, a former hairstylist turned SAHM, trying to be a WAHM, and loving life . Blog Name: Amanda…

DVF Silk Blouse (thrifted, similar one here)//J Brand High Waist Denim Trousers//Celine Bag (old, similar one here)//M.Gemi Sandals (sold out, similar style)//Nordstrom Wool Hat//Blissfully FAB earrings//Polaroid Sunnies Happy Monday!  Hope your weekend was treating you well. I love my skinnies – I really do, but I find myself falling for high waist denim more each day, especially the trousers.  A…

Pomegranate Mango Vodka Popsicles Image Credits: Sweet Paul Pomegranate is in season, at least that’s what my neighbor’s Pomegrate tree tells me. Each year she picks this fruit and distribute them to all the neighbors on the same block. This year is no exception. We received a bag full of delicious pomegranates a few days ago and I couldn’t help…