Since I started this blog, I’ve been bombarded with one consensus question from my family, friends and readers…Where the heck do I find the time to blog?   My husband and I are on our own, and hundred and thousand miles away from families and friends.  We don’t have a nanny, a full-time maid, a chef, a private trainer, or a driver to help us.  We juggle just like every family.   I work full time remotely from home, my husband works at night, and yet I still find time to blog and time to enjoy with my family and friends.  There is a time for everything.  When we work, WE WORK.  When we are with our kids, WE ARE WITH OUR KIDS.  When we have family time, WE HAVE FAMILY TIME.  When we meet with friends, WE MEET WITH FRIENDS.  So what’s our secret to balance it all?  A cleaning lady (just kidding)!  Well, it’s more to it than that.  Yes, we do have a cleaning lady that comes every 3 weeks.  This is a must for our family, especially for me.  I’m borderline OCD when it comes to cleaning!  Having a cleaning lady is a huge stress reliever.  I understand that not everyone can afford a cleaning lady but with just a few minor sacrifices, you’ll be surprised on how easy it is to fit a part time maid into your financial schedule.  I choose to forgo my gym memberships (I work out from home but will get to those details later), my salon visits for nails and hair dying (I find time to do this at home with a lot less money!).  It also helps that I have an extremely supportive husband who is very hands on when it comes to parenting the boys.  As a matter of fact, he was the first parent to perform diaper changes!

The REAL secret is Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling!  When we first learned of our pregnancy, it was a life changing experience.  But, when we were told more than one baby?  It was life changing times 2 (more like 3 or 4 or Kate plus 8)!  I think my heart had stopped beating for a second or two when I heard the news. Questions immediately flashed through my head.  How will we care for two babies at the same time?  How will one of us care for two at the same time?  How does this work?  Will we need additional help?  Do I need to quit my job and care for them full time?  How will this impact our relationship?  How do I feed two babies at once?  Can I? Etc…  We knew we had our work cut out for us and we did!  For the past 19 months, Scheduling became our best friend.  Scheduling IS still our best friend!  Not every day goes as scheduled and sometimes schedules flew out the window…yeah babies can be so unpredictable at times!  For our own family, having a schedule is important for our sanity and stability.

We are very lucky to have healthy good kids that could easily adapt to different schedules.    We started our boys on schedule for feeding, diaper changing, and sleeping since birth.  This has helped pave the road to better sleep for everyone in our household.  We start our typical day at 6:30am.  Milk, and diaper changes by 6:45am.  My husband takes them out for a 20 minute walk to the park while I make breakfast.   We have breakfast together by 7:45am.  My husband cleans up while I start my work at 8am.  I usually wrap up by 5:30pm.  During my work hours, the boys spend their time with their daddy.  The boys now nap once a day from 10:30am to 2pm.  During this time, my husband prepares lunch, does grocery shopping or run errands.  Family dinner by 6pm, and I take over the night shift with the boys while my husband goes to work.  The boys’ bedtime is 8:15pm. While the boys are in bed, I use this time to clean up the kitchen, do my nails, dye my hair, do laundry, read a book/magazine, watch my favorite tv shows, pay bills, shop online, practice yoga, and work on my blog, or simply just chill.  I’m in bed by 11pm the latest 🙂

I was told that I’m a supermom…I’m not!  I’m just a hardworking career woman who enjoys her job and loving it.  I’m a hardworking wife who loves her husband very much.  I’m a hardworking mom who adores her kids.  I’m a hardworking blogger because this is my creative outlet.  I’m just passionate about life and I’m doing the best that I can.  I don’t feel like every task is a chore because I thoroughly enjoy every minute of it.  Time is too precious to waste and I don’t want to waste a single second.


  1. Your blog is so inspirational to me. I’m new to blogging so I love to hear and see what you’re doing. I too believe that there is a time for everything. Just still trying to figure it out but you give me hope!

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you. I’m glad. It will take time but you will figure it out whatever works best for you and your family.

  2. amazing!! As a new mom and a new blogger, it’s so inspirational and encouraging to read your entries! It’s amazing how much you’ve accomplished. Love it, and looking forward to your entries!

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