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 Dress: Jane Dress Emploi New York  c/o (also love this one and this one)| Bag: DIY Leather Cluth (similar style) | Heels: Brian Atwood  (sold out, similar style) | Cuff: Rivka Friedman (similar style) | Earrings: Vintage

Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to another week of Date Night Style series! Each week I select an item from my closet and style it for that special day or night.  This item can be old or new, trendy or classic.  Either way the goal is to transform the piece to a date night or day date look.

This week I”m collaborating with Emploi New York to give away one of  their dresses from their Resort Wear collection.  I have never heard of Emploi New York until now.  Emploi New York was launched in 2012 with the goal of offering the modern working woman the best fitting dress she’s ever worn to the office and afterwards.  Concieved and manufactured in New York City, Emploi New York line offers women to look both office appropriate and chic simultaneously while feeling confident at the same time.  Ultimately, they wanted to give a business girl a dress that would not break her bank, that would feel great against her skin while remaining sexy, and that not only would give her a shot at that corner office but also to the boardroom!

For my Date Night Style series I selected this Monet inspired dress for my most recent date night with hubby.  When I opened the package from Emploi New York I thought they made a mistake.  It was packaged in a beautiful black and white swirl print box.  All I saw inside that box was a scarf or so I thought!  My first thought was…”Okay they must have made a mistake because I did not ask for a scarf to review.”  I lifted up the garment and voila it was this stunning dress that was light, soft and airy!!!  I can literally fold this dress and fit it into my purse…the perfect travel dress for a resort getaway and/or date night!

 Now you have a chance to win this beautiful dress or any dress from Emploi New York ($109 value)!  All you need to do is visit here and comment which resort dress you would like to win.  That’s it!  Entries open to U.S. only and end on 9/12!!!

Emploi New York Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Catherine R. Reply

    I like the Grand Dress. It’s got a really beautiful neck and hem line. Classic and elegant with a bit of a twist.

  2. That dress looks amazing on you! My favorite dress is the Vesey Dress in Dali Flower Blue.

  3. You look so elegant in everything you wear! Gorgeous dress though!

  4. Jane Dress – Emploi Flower Blue this one is nice but I like the one you chose better

  5. Stephanie Galbraith Reply

    I would like to win the MOTT DRESS – LEMON! 🙂 Super cute!

  6. Christy Peeples DuBois Reply

    That dress looks so pretty in you though you always do look so pretty. I really like all of these dresses and I think the Belviedere is my favorite. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

  7. My favorite dress is the GRAND DRESS – EMPLOI FLOWER BLUE! So perfect for this hot & humid Florida weather!

  8. Mott is my pick, but I’m still trying to decide between yellow and red.

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