
The bedroom above is my dream master bedroom…well pretty close to it.  Our current master bedroom is half this size and given that our wooden bed is less than 3 years old it is not due for a Cleo Bed replacement anytime soon.  But hey, a girl can dream because dreaming is free and sometimes dreams do come true.  Until that happens, I do my best in making our bedroom relaxing and cozy.  It is still a work in progress.  Here’s how our current bedroom looks.master bedroom-1master bedroom-1-3master bedroom-1-5master bedroom-1-6

Although it is far from my dream bedroom it is a sanctuary I look forward to every night for relaxing and cuddling with hubby.  I did my best to decorate the bed and its surroundings by adding accents like pillows and more recently, the Softest Blanket Ever from Baby Jak.  I have not heard of Baby Jak until a few weeks ago and decided to do a review and offer my opinion about their product.  Wow, they are the softest blanket. EVER!  This blanket is versatile and stylish.  Not only have we’ve been using this blanket in the bedroom but also in the family room whenever we have movie nights.  The boys can’t get enough of it because of its warmth and softness.

And we have one just for you because Baby Jak is generously giving away $170 worth of Softest Blanket Ever.  All you need to do is visit here and comment which Softest Blanket Ever you would like to win.  Entries open to U.S only and end 10/24!  You can also purchase the blanket with a discount code “heels” for 25% off.

BabyJak SBE

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Although I was given the Softest Blanket Ever from Baby Jak in exchange for a review plus a giveaway, all opinions are my own.


  1. Catherine R. Reply

    I love the Zig Zag Pattern in Gray and White. It is too cute and it looks so cozy!

  2. Love the Embossed Chevron Pattern in Turqoise – Gray. Beautiful and looks so snuggly.

  3. JILL HOMIAK Reply

    I love the navy one – it’s so regal. I’m glad to see Baby Jak’s blankets are made in the USA too! Thank you for hosting a great giveaway. ALSO, I see you have twin sons. I’m a twin too. 🙂

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you Jill! I love hearing from twins or moms of twins!!! Yes, I have twin boys (3.5 yrs old). They are quite a handful!!!

  4. Lorianne Bahn Reply

    I love the baby Jake one. I love the patterns and looks so soft

    • Oh my!! I would love to have the Embossed Paisley in Gray/Ivory.

      Thank you for this opportunity.

      Twitter – @p00hbearmurphy

  5. Ashley Gebauer Reply

    That blanket is absolutely gorgeous and looks so soft and cuddly. I would love to win it!

  6. Andrea B Cofman Reply

    I like the “Embossed Paisley” in Grey/Ivory Beautiful Pattern & Matches any Decor in A Baby Bedroom or anywhere in the Home.

  7. Susan Chester Reply

    I am in love with the embossed paisley in gray/ivory. It’s gorgeous!

  8. Melanie Sheow Reply

    I would love to win the zig zag pattern in gray and white blanket!

  9. I love the pink and ivory blanket!


  10. Diana Castro Reply

    I like the Savia Pattern Gray/Ivory Gray Pattern on one side – Ivory Fuzzy on the other

  11. Jill Myrick Reply

    All of these are so beautiful and look so cozy but my favorite is the Embossed Chevron in Light Pink/Gray.


  12. stephanie baker Reply

    *love* the embossed paisley in lavender! i can almost feel it just by looking at it in those photos.

  13. T Michelle Trump Reply

    I love the grey and white zig zag pattern! My FB as T Michelle Trump and instagram is T Michelle Trump

  14. Reply

    They are all so pretty!! I love the Savia Pattern in Gray/White 🙂 Thanks for the chance I would be Ecstatic to win this!!

  15. Laurie Emerson Reply

    I absolutely love the Embossed Paisley in Lavender/Grey. It looks so pretty and so soft!

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