
Welcome to Beauty Buzz everyone!  Join me along with Nicole of Mom Trends , Alison of Sassy Moms in the City and Jo-Lynne of Jolynne Shane to connect, share and sparkle! This week I’m sharing my 10 habits to feel radiant and healthy.

I’m a busy mom. I know I can’t sit still and be still. I don’t waste 1 second of the day. If I’m working…I’m committed. If I’m spending time with my kids and my husband…I’m committed. If I’m spending time with my friends…I’m committed. If I’m working on the blog after hours…I’m committed.   At times I feel like an energizer bunny but I love it. It keeps me feeling alive and connected, all the while keeping my self looking and feeling radiant (at least trying to).

To me feeling radiant and healthy will actually lead to feeling more confident. When I feel confident I can do anything in the world and that includes accomplishing my goals as I strive toward fulfillment. Here are my 10 habits to ensure that I look and feel radiant and healthy at all times.

1. Drink Lots of Water

I used to hate drinking water because it didn’t have any taste. This habit took a while for me to adapt.  Once I was able to do so I stopped getting dry skin on my face and body.

2. Well Rested

I used to sleep 6 to 7 hours each night. Since modifying my routine recently I have been able to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. This change has definitely improved my appearance as well as my mood.

3. Take Vitamins

Vitamins are not mandatory but important. They provide nutrients to your body that you may lack from your daily food intake. I take multi-vitamins 6 nights a week before hitting the sac.

4. Pamper My Skin

Ever since I adopted a monthly schedule at home facials my skin has changed for the better. I exfoliate my face twice a week and perform at home dermabrasion once a month. I feel so pampered and my skin actually glows and radiates.

5. Reduced Sugar and Sodium

Many studies have shown that excess sugar and/or salt intake can adversely affect your health. Sodium is necessary for basic bodily functions, but too much can lead to high blood pressure and other health related issues. Too much sugar consumption can lead to diabetes, weight gain and poor dental health.  For the past 7 years I stopped adding 2 packs of brown sugar to my 8 oz coffee a day.  I also replaced table salt with Himalyan salt whenever I cook.

6. Reduced Processed Foods

I can’t remember the last time I had processed foods. As a family, we eliminated them completely from our diet. And you know what, we feel fantastic and not moody at all. I’m a firm believer of you are what you eat!

7. Regular Exercise

I don’t run or do any cardiovascular exercises. For whatever the reason I just don’t like doing them. Instead, I do long walks after dinner with my boys and try to squeeze yoga in a few times a week. I love seeing natural blush on my cheeks after each session!

8. Elevate My Surroundings

This took me a long long time to learn and understand. As I get older I try to surround myself with relationships that are supportive, optimistic and most importantly prosess a healthy structure. In other words I choose to spend time with people who will lift my spirits instead of sucking the oxygen out of the room.

9. Flatter My Figure

The key to look and feel your best is knowing how to dress your body type. I have a petite boyish figure and I dress accordingly to my stature and height so that my imperfect garments look as if they fit my figure perfectly.

10. Laugh & Smile Often

I love seeing people laugh and smile because that pure innocent gesture exudes joy in life. They look radiant and beautiful instantly not to mention how approachable they look. This is something that I try to be conscious about and try to put myself in situations that make me happy so that I can laugh and smile more often.

Now, it is time to link up your beauty posts for this week’s Beauty Buzz link up!  Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win $90 worth of L’Oreal Paris products.  Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.


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  1. Some great tips here and I do adhere to most of them. The one I’m struggling with is no sugar….I’m such a sugar fiend and can’t resist a cake, a chocolate, a cookie…well, anything sugary really.

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you for stopping by Kiki! It can be tough to give up something you love. I think if you start gradually it will be easier and you can still have your cake and eat it too once in a while 🙂

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