5 things

Both G & I run a very tight ship.  We don’t have a nanny or a chef to assist us.  We have our morning routines but we take our bedtime rituals seriously.  I read somewhere that the very last thing you do before bed can affect your mood and energy level the following day, which I couldn’t agree more.  I think one of the secret recipes to our happy, harmonious and loving relationship is what we normally do 10 minutes before bedtime.  I’m sharing 5 things we do every single night for 10 minutes before hitting the sac:

1. Run the Dishwasher

I do the cooking and G cleans up the kitchen after each meal.  We put all the dishes, utensils, cups and glasses in the dishwasher but won’t run it until right before we go to bed.  Voila, dishes are done first thing in the morning!

2. Prep for Meals

I check the fridge to make sure we have all the food and necessary ingredients for our meals the following day.

3. Pick out Clothing

I pick out what to wear for the following day for the twins and I.    Granted, the boys don’t always wear what’s been chosen the night before but it helps nevertheless.

4. Prep Coffee

We are very old fashioned and only use the stove-top espresso coffee maker to brew our coffee.  You just can’t beat the taste.  Since it requires manual intervention to brew the coffee I make it a habit to prep the coffee maker right before I head to bed.  All I need to do the next morning is turn on the gas knob and brew it.  Trust me…this makes a huge difference for someone who wakes up at 4 or 5 in the morning for conference calls!

5. Take Out Trash

Although we don’t need to take the trash out every night we do make it a point to check and clear out all the trash cans if needed.

We’ve been doing this for years and it somehow became a habit for us.  This night time ritual sets the tone and mood for the following day, which makes everything run very efficient and organized.


    • Janise Reply

      I love waking up to a clean kitchen and no one can point fingers at anyone because it was done the night before!!! Our dishwasher runs every night while we sleep. Have a great week Audrey!

  1. Hmmmm….I only do two of those. Take the trash and pick out the clothes. Dishes get washed as the day goes along or after cooking. The meal prep is a good idea. Might start doing that.

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you for stopping by Kiki! There are only 4 of us so the dish washing at night makes sense to us. We wash the pots and pans as the day goes along but everything else can go into the dishwasher!

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