Welcome to the Get to Know series where each week I introduce a new blogger behind him/her blog with Q&A’s – with personal revealing results. Check back on Wednesdays for your weekly peek behind the blog left slightly ajar.

Highlights Along The Way

This week, I’m featuring Kate Hamernik from Highlights Along The Way, sharing her family adventures from home gardening and cooking to traveling.

kate highlights along the way

Blog Name: Highlights Along The Way
Your Name: Kate Hamernik
Years of blogging: 6 years (I had a deal blog before this)

What is your blog about?

My blog is about the highlights of our adventures as a family of five. We are a family that loves to travel and explore. We have a home garden and love learning and cooking together as a family. We are a family that grew through birth and adoption and we love challenging people’s perception of adoption.

How often do you blog?

Almost Daily

Best compliment you have received?
A reader I had never met sent me a photo of her family. Mom, Dad, biological daughter, and their four newest additions – a sibling set of brothers they had just finalized the adoption process with. They had been in foster care for about 6 months before they came to be with their new forever family. She said she read our blog and had never considered adoption beforehand. Best. Compliment. Ever.

If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be and why?
I would like to be 27 again. This was the year I was pregnant with my daughter and I had such anxiety over the whole thing I even dodged cameras. I have one candid shot of my pregnancy. I wish I had embraced that time of my life more.

If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be?
Ellen. I just think she is nice to everyone, even those she doesn’t agree with. Her agenda is be nice, listen, make people smile, get out a good message and dance. We need more of that.

If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
I don’t do well just relaxing. I would probably start a charity for orphan prevention and adoption. Maybe just get extra involved in the ones we already support.
Your dream vacation? Worst vacation? Best vacation?

Your dream vacation? Worst vacation? Best vacation?
Dream Vacation – we would love to go to Great Britain as a family. I went as a teenager and I would just love to go with our family – someday!
Best vacation was hands down our anniversary trip to Costa Rica – it was absolutely beautiful and the people are amazing!
Worst Vacation – I don’t think we have ever been on a bad vacation!

Follow Kate at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram

Want to be featured on our Get to Know series? Email janise@mamainheels.com for more info.

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