Welcome to the Get to Know series where each week I introduce a new blogger behind him/her blog with Q&A’s – with personal revealing results. Check back on Wednesdays for your weekly peek behind the blog left slightly ajar. This week I’m featuring Amber Mamian from Global Munchkins, who loves to share her family travel – big or small as wells as transracial adoption and multi-racial family issues.


Blog Name: Global Munchkins
Your Name: Amber Mamian
Years of Blogging: only 9 months
What is your blog about: Family Travel, both the great big world and the Disney versions. I also blog about transracial adoption and multi-racial family issues.

gm family
How often do you blog
I just started a schedule and I am trying to blog 2-3 times per week.

Best compliment you have ever received?
Easy. Being told I was a great mother. In this day and age moms can be pretty judgmental and cruel. I started off young having my first baby at 20, which led to stares and people talking behind my back. Although, I am SO glad we started so young because my husband’s mother passed away from ALS just a few years after we got married. She would not have been able to meet two of our kids if we had started later in life. I also get plenty of rude comments about having a big family. When I say 5 kids there is always some sort of a comment or joke at my expense. Its really to bad. I believe mothers should support each other. There are a million ways to be a good mom.

If you could be any age for a week, what age would it be and why?
Wow… that’s a tough one. I was really freaked out about turning 30, I thought the 20’s would be the best years of my life. Honestly, though I would be 33, which is right where I am now. There are so many amazing things that have happened in my life and if I went back in time to be younger I would have to sacrifice some of them. I am not willing to do that. So, I would be right where I am. I am very happy here 🙂

If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be?
Easy Shaquille O’Neal. Random right? I have had this desire to hang out with Shaq forever. I think it would be hilarious to walk in my house one day and see that giant man sitting on my couch. I am only 5 feet tall so I think it would be hilarious to stand next to him. Plus, I am all about the funny. I love a person that can make fun of themselves and not take life too seriously. Shaq fits that description perfectly. Fun Fact- We used to be Lakers season ticket holders… and when Shaq was booted off the team I refused to go to the games anymore 😉

If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
Easy peasy- travel the world with my husband. I cannot think of anything I love more than traveling to new places, meeting new people and gaining a broader understanding of our world. You see so much good in the world when you travel. You learn to appreciate all the precious moments in life because you have time to reflect on them. People are so busy running the rat race they forget to breathe. And, live!

Your dream vacation? Worst vacation? Best vacation?
DREAM: I would LOVE to travel through all of Europe with my husband. I think it would be amazing to take a year off and visit as many countries as we could. I would mix it up and stay in some luxe hotels and then also some vacation rentals… I would love to just soak up all of it. Oh, and hit the countries during their best times. Like Germany for Oktoberfest etc…

WORST: My worst vacation was when we tried to take our kids on a second cruise one summer. We had an amazing time in May on a Disney Cruise and then spending time at Disneyworld after. It was like two weeks of complete bliss. We got back and all we wanted was to do it all over again. Disney ran a travel agent sale and we decided to go for it. We surprised the kids and went to do it all over again in August. Except this time the kids fought the entire trip and we were all miserable. I think I learned to be grateful for amazing moments as they are happening and to know you don’t get a re-do. I think the trip was so fun and exciting the first time because it was a new experience. Going again was monotonous and boring to the kids. One thing I cannot stand is ungrateful kids so needless to say I was not a happy camper.

BEST- I have two bests. One with munchkins in tow and one without. With kids would be this past summer. We took the kids to London, Paris, Rome and Barcelona. It was just the four older kids and they were all in those golden years (no teens and no babies). It was amazing to experience all the different cities with them. They taught me so much about the history of each city– stuff they had learned in school. It was also my first big blog trip and we had worked out partnerships which allowed us to do so many activities and tours. It was absolutely AMAZING!!! Then sans munchkins would be Bali with my hubby for our 10th anniversary. We never had a honeymoon because we were already parents to an adorable nine month old when we wed. We got married in Maui which was absolutely amazing and it felt kind of like a honeymoon. But, I always regretted not leaving our son and getting away for a week or two just the two of us. When our 10th anniversary came I knew I wanted to take advantage of it. Bali was a spur of the moment trip. I saw a deal that included air on Living Social. Looked up the reviews and they were amazing so I booked it. Turned out to be some of the best moments of my life and such an amazing experience with my husband. I think it was better than a honeymoon because we had so much history with each other and we were so much closer as a couple. Can’t wait until our 15 year to do something incredible again!!

If you want to follow Amber you can find her at Facebook, TwitterPinterest, Bloglovin, or Instagram

Want to be featured on our Get to Know series? Email janise@mamainheels.com  with  Subject: Get to Know, for more info.


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