I often get asked how I get it all done while working full-time, taking care of my family and running a blog without going crazy.  Surely, something must give.  First of all, I’m going crazy every single day..my craziness is hidden with a smile.  And yes,  there is something that I give up every single day to get it all done.

It’s not easy and there’s no secret or magic formula.  For me, it requires some organization, help, and other tips to make this everyday life feel effortless.

Here’s a purview of my 24/7 everyday schedule…  

During the week I’m up at 6:45/7:00 am and landed at work no later than 8:30 am.  I eat at my desk during lunch and leave the office by 5/5:30 pm the latest.  I do not bring work home with me so once I stepped into the house it is family time.  Dinner is served within 30 minutes or fewer thanks to food preps in advance. Twice a week hubby and I take turns to take our kids to their Tae Kwon Do classes after dinner.  Then I spend some time with the kids to help them with their homework and read a book before their bedtime by 9 pm. Once they are in bed, I spend the next hour or so working on my blog and hit the sack by 10:30/11pm.  

My weekends are just as structured with some flexibility for “me” time.  Hubby works on the weekends so I am on twin patrol while he is not available. I practice yoga first thing in the morning and doing laundry at the same time.  I wrap up the weekend by doing my own manicure/pedicure, face/hair masks, and food preps for the week. Sometimes I get to squeeze in a few hours here and there to work on my blog.  And once a month I meet up with my photographer for a photo shoot that usually lasts up to 2 hours.

So I did give up something to get it all done. TV.  This is something I gave up when I became a mom so that I can get everything else done.  Not that I was ever a couch potato but I used to love to watch the HGTV shows.  I now catch a show here and there but that’s rare.

Here’s how I structure my daily schedules to get it all done while staying sane and happy.


We all have different schedules, to-do lists, and tips and tricks.  I treat my schedules like it’s a second job and stick to it. I always make time for myself and I no longer feel guilty doing so.  I feel that this is healthy for my kids to realize that their mom and dad have interests besides them. And we do include them from time to time.


I can’t stress how important it is to have a supportive partner/spouse.  I’m so lucky that hubby is super supportive. He works from home during the week so his schedule is very flexible.  He preps lunch for the boys and takes them to school and picks them up. I often tell hubby how sexy he is for being so involved and hands-on with the kids, which makes him want to do even more.  He is definitely a 21st-century modern man.


There will be some days where nothing will get done and you need to let them go.  We are human so sometimes I don’t wash the dishes until the next day in exchange for more cuddles and fun with the kids.  I wash my car once in a few months and that is okay.  I just don’t have the time. I try not to stress myself out about trying to do EVERY SINGLE THING in EVERYDAY because I will go crazy.  I do as much as I can to keep my sanity and to keep me fulfilled. The secret is to know your priorities.


Multi-tasking is my BFF.  I often make breakfast with my facial mask on.  I write my blog while doing my nails. I engage on social media while I mask my hair or waiting at Tae Kwon Do.  The washer and dryer are running while I practice yoga, and so forth. But I never ever use my phone while spending time with my family.  You just have to find your routine to get things done without compromising your time.


For the past few years, I have been using Saturday or Sunday as my food prep days.  Since I work full-time weekends are the only available time I can prep the food for the family including the food I take to work.  I make roasted chickens, pasta meat sauce, rack of lamb, ribs, skirt steaks and more, and freeze them proportionally. I cook vegetables, rice and pasta fresh for every meal to pair up with the frozen entrees.  This saves me a lot of time in preparing for our meals. Twice or three times a week fish is cooked fresh or they won’t taste good. Sometimes, once or twice a month we just eat out so that we can relax.


This is probably the most important thing that I never skip because as you all know I’m a beauty/skincare junkie.  I  have a set beauty routine that I follow religiously every week from doing my own nails to dyeing my own hair.  Sometimes I would have a mask on while making sandwiches for my kids.  For me, it feels good that me, myself, and I are well cared for.

I try my best to follow these tips routinely to get as many things done as I can so I don’t have to compromise my family time.  Nothing in life is easy.  But if you know what you want to focus on and who you want to spend more time with you can make it work.


    • Janise Reply

      I always feel like there isn’t enough time in a day to do everything!

  1. I really loved reading your blog post. Managing the time to fit everything I want in is always a struggle – and I do not even have kids – so it’s very refreshing to read an honest post on the topic. Thank you for that!

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