Disclosure: I was asked by Carusele to participate in the #SimplyNice campaign, sponsored by Walgreens. Although I have been compensated, all opinions are my own.

Who doesn’t love to eat simple nutritious snacks? Frankly, our family doesn’t snack that often because the word snack usually conjures up thoughts of fast food, high sugar, salt, and not particularly nutritious items. Although we believe in moderation of food consumption we prefer to eat nutritious snacks over junk foods for the most part.

That’s why we love the Nice!® products because they help us live a balanced life to stay on track and indulge without guilt by providing great tastes we can feel good about. I love the upfront labeling that shows what type of ingredients the Nice!® products are made with. This makes it easy to find delicious snacks from a brand that we can trust. Ever since we were introduced to Nice!® we have been stocking up our pantry with their cashew nuts, kettle style popcorn, fruit and nut trail mix, veggie sticks, and so much more.

Aside from snacking these goodies at home while watching tv or movie, we also bring them along with us when we travel, picnic at a park, and most recently our hiking excursion. We try to hike as often as we could before school starts. Our summer hiking must-haves always include a camera, sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, Nice!® snacks, and lots of water (we love the Nice! Iceland water!). My twins love the Nice!® Veggie Sticks and Cheddar Popcorn while hubby and I couldn’t get enough of the Nice!® Fruit and Nut Trail Mix snack.

So far this summer has been the busiest for our family. Since back-to-school is upon us both hubby and myself have been working around the clock to get them ready for another year of school from shopping for new clothes (they are growing leaps and bounds) and school supplies to planning healthy meals and snacks.

I can’t wait to pack their lunch boxes with healthier snacks from Nice!® to fuel them through their busy day. Both hubby and I are extremely busy and we love the fact that Nice!® is conveniently available at Walgreens, making stocking up a snap.

Remember snacks should be enjoyable, simple, filling, and nutritious. Make it a habit to check the label (whenever possible) to get a better sense of the ingredients not just the snacks but also in the foods you are eating.

Through August check your local Walgreens for promos on Nice! products.

Nice! Everyday & Organic snack bags $2.99 or 2/$5

Nice! Snack packs – 6pk (Veggie Straws, Organic White Cheddar Puffs) $3.99 or 2/$7

Nice! dried fruit $2.49 or 2/ $4.00

Nice! Chocolate Vanilla Sandwich Crème Cookie, Nice! Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie, or Nice! Chocolate Chip Cookies $1.99

Nice! nuts- look for reduced prices on assorted varieties

Nice! Magic Trail Mix $5.99

I’m also excited to share that there will be a #SimplyNiceTwitter Party scheduled for August 20, 2018 from 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EST. Put a reminder on your calendar because you don’t want to miss this!


  1. I can’t give up snacking. Lol. But I love the idea of finding a snack that is more nutritious.

  2. I have never tried NICE snacks before but this makes me want to give them a try.

  3. This looks like an absolutely fabulous and healthy snack! I love finding great choices like this for my family to enjoy! They sound so delicious too!

  4. I think simple and healthy snacks are the best especially when you are going hiking or just when you are hungry.

  5. These are right up my street. I’m a compulsive snacker and I realised I need to start snacking on healthy food rather than junk food!

  6. I have not yet tried Nice snacks before. Glad to read some review from this post. I think it is great to bring along for hike or picnic in the woods.

    • Janise Reply

      They are really good. We bring it with us whenever we travel as well.

  7. Wow! This one’s a winner.I just love everything about this!My boys would both probably DIG this!

  8. I have never heard of Nice! snacks before, I have to admit – are they available in the UK? Do you know where I could get them? I’d love to try them x

  9. Elizabeth O Reply

    These seem like the perfect snacks for a family outing. It looks like you had a great hike as a family!

  10. First I have heard of this brand. I do eat similar products like these already.. Sounds wholesome!

  11. These look like some NICE snacks! My daughter loves Smart Food white cheddar popcorn. With her braces, she is not supposed to eat popcorn, so I think we will have to give the Nice! organic white cheddar cheese puffs a try. I hope she likes them as much as her Smart Food! 🙂

    • Janise Reply

      My kids love them and I’m sure your daughter will love them too!

  12. Jojo hua, is right i some times go for the junk food to. But this mite help me try to stop the junk food.

  13. When I first tried a Nice snack by my friend’s house, I didn’t know it was sold at Walgreens! Now that I do, I pick some up when Walgreens has a sale. They are healthy and good – just what I look for in a snack.

  14. Jessica Lodge Reply

    I really appreciate that the Nice products have an affordable organic line. I have found for some of their snacks that I like the taste of their stuff better than name brand stuff.

  15. Walgreens’ Nice snacks are a good form of nutrition and good tasty food.

  16. We all love to snack & these snacks are great because they are nutritious!

  17. Leigh Anne Borders Reply

    Walgreens is one of our favorite places to go to. They have great things on sale there. I have not had the Nice snacks before.

    • Janise Reply

      You have to check them out on your next Walgreens trip 🙂

  18. Derrick Johnson Reply

    I love NICE snacks from Walgreens! Their Trail mix is the best!

  19. Susan Thevenard Reply

    I love to feed my family healthy snacks and these are the best!

    • Janise Reply

      I feel the same way with my family. Let them indulge without the guilt 🙂

  20. Michelle Simons Reply

    First off i love your hiking pics with your family. Looks like so much fun. and i have yet to snack on NICE snacks but maybe someday soon. They look wonderful. I am happy to join your IG crew too. @Mewzme2

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you so much for your support, Michelle! This means a lot to me 🙂

  21. Great informative twitter party.. hungry for NICE snacks now .

    • Janise Reply

      Yes! I’m munching the Nice! trail mix as I type this 🙂

  22. We stock up on all the NICE snacks for toad trips, easy and tasty

  23. Casandra LaMonaca Reply

    I enjoyed the twitter party and look forward to trying the trail mix and veggie straws.

    • Janise Reply

      It was such a great party…so glad you were able to make it!

  24. Courtney White Reply

    I love that they use wholesome ingredients and make snacks my entire family loves. Thank you for sharing your story!

  25. Jessi HOusel Reply

    I love the grab and go ability of these! Truly nice! Something for everyone!

    • Janise Reply

      They have a variety of snacks. I always bring something with me whenever I travel.

  26. I love that Walgreens offers wholesome & nutritional snacks at affordable prices. My family loves them all!! 🙂

  27. I love that Walgreens offers nutritional & delicious products at affordable prices I can afford for my family! 🙂

    • Janise Reply

      I know..I love that I can pick up snacks as well as other items.

  28. Stephanie Murphy Reply

    Love how portable these snacks are and the fact that they come in so many yummy varieties! Great prices and kid approved!

  29. We always try to avoid snacks for the same reason as it’s associated with fast food/ junk food, It’s good to know that they are certified organic. I will be on the look out for these on my next trip to Walgreens. #SimplyNice

  30. sweepermom Reply

    These snacks are perfect for sports, hiking, and school lunches!

  31. I but their nut packs all the time, I love their shelled pistachios!

  32. Michelle T. Reply

    I love snacking on nuts, and I also love shopping at Walgreens! The prices seem really reasonable, so it just seems logical to buy them at Walgreens!

  33. These snacks sound so perfect for a hike I so want to try them.

  34. Judy Schechter Reply

    I can’t wait to try the Nice! dried fruit, I love dried apricots!

  35. Dana Rodriguez Reply

    These sound really good. Now that I read your review I am going to pick some up at Walgreens and give them a try!

  36. I enjoy shopping for snacks at Walgreens! They have good sales!

  37. amy guillaume linderman Reply

    my boys would really eat up the fruit and nut trail mix

  38. Dana Moore Reply

    Portable, affordable, healthy and delicious- the whole package

  39. Looks like a lot of fun and always better with good snacks. I hope to try these snack soon.

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