strengthsWe all have our own unique strengths and talents and can use in different ways to bring out the best in ourselves and others. Most often than not we do not know our strongest strengths and talents and how to tap into them to put them to work not just in business but in life.

I was able to tap into my strengths and talents years ago thanks to this guide I received from a training seminar I had attended.  I recently cleaned out my filing cabinet and came across it and thought it would benefit some of you who may need it. It certainly had helped me think through what I should be focusing on in terms of my career.  I hope this will help you too.

Here are 5 ways to identify your own strengths and talents and foster them to unlock your potential…


Something you yearn for.  Think of this as the pull or attraction to one activity rather than another. Ask yourself what do you know you can do well but haven’t done yet.  Also, if you had an entire week of your calendar open up and couldn’t work on previous commitments, what would you spend your time doing?


It is important for us to pay attention to the activities or opportunities that we genuinely enjoy.  Are there activities you had finished but can’t wait to do that again? Think about what you are doing when you’re truly enjoying yourself.


We are wired to learn certain things naturally but we often don’t think that these are our natural strengths and talents.  The best way to tap into this is to ask yourself what have you done well that you didn’t need explaining and what activities do you execute naturally, but struggle to break down into steps for others.


Success is a compilation of moments so listen closely to the people around you.  What have other people told you you’re great at doing?


This one is quite simple.  What are you doing when time seems to disappear?  No, sleeping doesn’t count 🙂

I changed my career and started this blog on the side thanks to this guide.  Sometimes we often do not know what we will see until we actually try and discover what our strengths and talents are deep within us.

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