Times are not so great for most of us right now. While we cannot change much of what is going on around us, we can calibrate our inner selves. I personally found soothing myself to be really beneficial. It’s a great way to seek solace and inner peace. Here are my 5 practical ways to soothe myself to my senses and they are free!
Stare up at the moon. Look into the eyes of a loved one. Keep a photo you can’t look at enough as your computer screensaver or phone wallpaper. When you’re bored in a line, look around and observe. What’s interesting?
Smell your coffee before you take that sip. If you are a new mom, soak in your little one’s new baby smell. Breathe in the scent of flowering shrubs as you walk in your neighborhood. Note the homey smell of a neighbor’s grill. Light a vanilla candle in your kitchen so it smells amazing.
Bite into a juicy grapefruit or any fruits. Enjoy the rich kick of your coffee. Notice the crunch of the cucumbers in your lunch salads. Sip your favorite wine. Savor a favorite treat – a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, say, or a square of dark chocolate.
Pet a dog or cat. Feel your child’s hand in yours. Take notice of the grass or sand beneath your feet. Register a cool breeze on your skin. Touch each fabric as you shop or throw on your clothes.
Play a song you haven’t listened to since childhood. Tune in to the birds. If you’re in a city, listen to the people buzzing past. Pop in your earbuds at work and play classical, punk, or whatever rejuvenates you.
These soothing methods are practical to calm and relax your body and mind. I think you will find them helpful too.