
simple indulgence


Peach and Blueberry Greek Yogurt Cake Image Credits: Julia’s Album I can’t wait to start my lazy long weekend because I will be heading to a BBQ party and eating dishes that would take me hours to make. Given that I won’t have to cook I might just try to make this delicious peach and blueberry Greek yogurt cake and…

Bacon Wrapped Dates Did you try last week’s simple indulgence?  I tried to make them but my Mangoes were overly grilled!!!  So I will make another attempt next weekend. This week I’d like to share this amazing indulgence with you called Bacon Wrapped Dates with Goat Cheese and Almonds.  This is one of my favorite tapas plates at Firefly.  I’ve…

Orange Nutella Bruschetta Image Credits: Pinterest I’m not a bread person, but the only bread I love to indulge in is baguette.  Maybe it’s the French in me.  I’m not that crazy about Nutella but after being married to an Italian I can’t help but indulge in this Italian delicacy once in a while.  The other day I had this…

Shopping! So so happy to be home!  It’s been a very long week and I will be spending a lot of time with my family this weekend.  I will also spend some time doing one of my favorite indulgences as well, shopping!  I’ve picked out some of my favorite pieces from Nordstrom’s Half-Yearly Sale above for you to peruse! Have…

Coconut Water It’s been a long long week for me.  So much is happening for the past few days professionally and personally.  This coconut water was the perfect elixir to calm my nerves.  Do you know it’s got some health benefits too?  Contains lots of potassium, low sodium, and low calorie.  For me, I just love the taste of it.  I…