
simple indulgence


A Sprig of Peppermint I’m conditioned to drink green tea and dark chocolate every single day, usually an hour after lunch.  Lately, I’ve been adding a sprig of peppermint (freshly picked from my garden) to my tea after learning that peppermint has several health benefits.  Did you know that the extracts from peppermint leaves may inhibit histamine release, which suggests…

A Musical Getaway http://youtu.be/om7QTbvVprU?list=PLjrhtDRzoUW8VbIGwAe-OLfIebjfhldbK One of the benefits of having married into a musical family is the constant introduction to different types of music. I’ve learned to appreciate the moving power of a simple song.  When I first met G he introduced me to Kizmet based on the music by Alexander Borodin, which happens to be his first stage production…

Happy Friday everyone! Welcome to a new series called “Simple Indulgence”.  As mentioned earlier each Friday I will introduce an item, recipe, gesture, experience or any treat that brings pleasure into our every day lives.  After all, the pleasure in living a luxurious life is not about having the biggest house in a prime location, top of the line car or the…